What is the Full Form of the Prathama Bank IFSC Code?

The Full form of the IFSC Code of the Prathama Bank is the Indian Financial System Code.

How to Find the Prathama Bank IFSC Code?

If you want to find the of Prathama Bank, you can simply search “ Prathama Bank bank ka IFSC code” at various points. Have a look,

  • Online Prathama Bank IFSC code finder
  • On Passbook
  • On Cheque leaf
  • RBI Website
  • Prathama Bank Bank’s official website
  • Mobile Banking App

What is the Purpose of the Prathama Bank IFSC Code?

The IFSC Code of the Prathama Bank aims to identify a specific Prathama Bank bank branch involved in electronic fund transfers in India. It facilitates online fund transfers to someone else’s account. Prathama Bank IFSC Code makes sure that the fund is routed to the correct destination.

Where Can You Use the Prathama Bank IFSC Code?

You can use the Prathama Bank IFSC Code when you want to transfer e-funds to someone’s account through RTGS (Real-time Gross Settlement), IMPS (Immediate Payment Service), and NEFT (National Electronic Fund Transfer). You must verify your Prathama Bank IFSC Code before making a transaction. You can validate it through the Prathama Bank IFSC code list.

How Can I Know My Prathama Bank IFSC Code by Account Number?

The Prathama Bank IFSC code search is not a complicated task. However, there is no standardized process to find the IFSC code of Prathama Bank by Account number. Instead, you can access the Prathama Bank IFSC Code using the branch location. You must know the bank name or branch location to find the IFSC Code. You can find it on your passbook, chequebook, or the official Prathama Bank bank website. And, the easiest way to search the IFSC Code of the Prathama Bank is to use the Prathama Bank

What Are the Benefits of Using the Prathama Bank IFSC Code?

IFSC Code of Prathama Bank offers you a good many benefits. Such as follows.

  • Ensures that payment is transferred to the intended recipient.
  • Facilitates speedy electronic fund transfer through RTGS, NEFT, or IMPS.
  • Prevents the chances of error or fraud that may occur in manual fund transfer.
  • Allows for easy tracking of transactions.


How Many Digits Does the IFSC Code of the Prathama Bank Have?

The IFSC Code of Prathama Bank is a combination of 11 alphanumeric characters.

Where Can I Find the IFSC Code of the Prathama Bank?

You can search for the IFSC Code of Prathama Bank in the Prathama Bank IFSC Code list, chequebook, passbook, Prathama Bank bank’s official website, mobile banking app, or you can also use the IFSC Code finder.

Can I Find the IFSC Code of the Prathama Bank Without a Cheque?

Yes, you can find the IFSC Code of Prathama Bank without a cheque. You can find your Prathama Bank IFSC on the first page of your passbook or you can browse through the list of IFSC Codes of Prathama Bank. You can find your Prathama Bank IFSC Code by bank and city.

Do All Branches of the Prathama Bank Have the Same IFSC Code?

No, each branch of the Prathama Bank is assigned a unique IFSC Code.

Is the IFSC Code and Bank Number the Same in the Prathama Bank?

No, the IFSC code and bank number are both different in the Prathama Bank. The Prathama Bank IFSC Code (Indian Financial System Code) is the same for all the customers of the same branch, while the account number is specific to individual accounts.

Can We Find the IFSC Code of the Prathama Bank in Net Banking?

Yes, you can find the IFSC Code to the branch of Prathama Bank in your net banking portal.

Where is the IFSC Code of Prathama Bank Number on a Cheque?

The IFSC Code to branch name Prathama Bank is printed on the bottom of a cheque leaf, next to the